Tips on how to deal with clutter…

1. Commit to do something about it – this is an important first step.

2. Set a goal for your room – plan the space to serve you and how you want to live.

3. Start small – begin with a manageable project such as a junk drawer or bookshelf.

4. Edit items – keep only things which serve your goal for the space.

5. Think green – items you no longer need can be donated or sold.

6. Schedule time to organize – even 20 minutes a day will go a long way.

If you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or simply don’t have enough time to tackle clutter on your own, a Professional Organizer can help.


Chris at ArtWorkable Interiors has greatly improved my health during work. Having been partially paralyzed since 1987 the odds were against me to be sitting in front of a computer for more than 10 hours a day. I have been in pain for more than two years, from neck to back and even my leg. Chris was recommended by my Chiropractor so I called him in to do an ergonomic assessment on me and my workplace. He was very knowledgeable and detailed with his assessment.

He took photographs, recommended new furniture, sitting positions, devices and even convinced me to follow a workplace health application that pushes me to get up and move every hour. Since his assessment my work has purchased me a new desk, a headset and gel wrist protectors and as I mentioned earlier, my health has improved greatly. I am no longer in pain and the stiffness has subsided. I would recommend Chris to anyone having physical discomfort at their work place.

Jay Williams
Instructional Multimedia Analyst
Saint Mary's University

Jay Williams
Saint Mary's University

Ergonomic Myths

It’s impossible to become injured while sitting.

Wrong. We usually think that a work injury means being hit on the head by a crate or throwing our back out lifting something heavy. In fact, there are very significant strains placed on the body when someone sits for long periods of time, particularly while performing a repetitive activity like regular computing.

Giving everyone a wrist rest will remove the risk.

Wrong. In many cases wrist support will help keep the wrists straight during keyboard use – an important goal. It also helps to have a soft surface for the hands in between actual keying, but many other ergonomic factors of the workstation need to be addressed to achieve optimum prevention.

Serious injuries are always very painful.

Wrong. When we feel an occasional ache or pain our natural response is to think that a couple of aspirin and some rest will cure the pain. Unfortunately, the early signs of potentially serious injuries are exactly these subtle and occasional pains. That is the time to respond, and that is the exact time when they can be controlled, preventing a potentially severe disability.

A safety program will compromise productivity.

Wrong. An effective prevention program emphasizes comfort. It’s when the body is stressed and over-used by poor postures, shallow breathing, tight muscles, and lack of movement that tissues are at risk. When we are comfortable and using our energy efficiently, we get more done, think clearly, and don’t fatigue so early in the day. Onsight also focuses on the efficient use of technology. Too many people waste hand movement and time by not learning key features of their computer.

A prevention program will be too expensive.

Wrong. Many owners and managers of organizations that rely heavily on computer use fear that addressing this issue will involve great expense, perhaps new chairs for everyone. Actually, the centerpiece of a safety program is awareness, teaching managers and workers alike to respond early to persistent symptoms, and to practice easily-learned safe work habits.

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